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T21 W162 Rod Swenson (Plenary) | Thermodynamics 2.0 | 2020
T2022 P01 Rod Swenson (Invited) | United States
(Part2) Interview w/ Richie Stotts & We are the #PLASMATICS #richiestotts #wendyowilliams
(Part4) Interview w/ Richie Stotts and #wendyowilliams shocked us #plasmatics (continue to part 5)
Plasmatics - Live! Rod Swenson's Lost Tapes 1978-81 Trailer
In Memoriam Malcolm Dome (1955 - 29 October 2021)
Swenson 2020 Virtual Graduation Ceremony
A conversation between Fred Meinberg and Stephen Wolfram at the Wolfram Summer School 2021
Monday Music Minute, Ep. 109 Juliette Lewis & Wendy O Williams
Wendy O. Williams: Vida Pessoal, Música e Ativismo